Monday, July 26, 2010

Time for a Quickie...

It felt good to hit Derrs on Sunday, after my failed saturday night ruccus. After waking up hungover, Golly was kind enough to take myself and the Rat (pictured and also hungover) up for a fun little session. I went in early on account of my wettie being about as warm as Antarctica, and snapped some snaps.

Anyways, the moral of the story is that rats shred fun little rights, all day, everyday.

I love dogging people on here. Lachy doing a fair impression of Queen 'Liz.
Your next Janiece.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Today I woke up in the afternoon, feeling a little down. There was alot on my mind, too many thoughts to digest from the night before. I decided the best thing for it would be a solo mission to our old friend Scarborough, where I could find some sort of a goodbye session to the holidays that have all but passed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Never Ending Story

A photo taken by my Mother of Bells Beach

Well the past few days have been a marathon of non-stop committment by me and Fulla. Tuesday saw 16 hours of surfing between us, with some very enticing waves to be found at Mullaz. Four hours of sleep later and we were smuggled into a car travelling north at great speed. Mr Bell had vallently offered to take us to Lancelin for the day. While the first look at the Back Beach was horrifying, we forced ourselves to paddle out anyway, and Belly forced his girlfriend to film us. Amazingly, we actually got a decent session. After a visit to the shop, and a perculier encounter between Fulla and one of the local girls, we headed home. Beers on the beach topped off a memorable day. 


The next day saw a repeat mission to Lancelin, but with a different crew and different waves. Large, inpredictable waves at Eddy Island were conquered before Fulla apparantly saw a shark and we all bolted in fear. Cheers for the ride Taylor.

Monday, July 12, 2010

International Pylons Day

Maxing out past the pylon...

My friends. Winter is among us. I havn't been feeling this way in a long time. After surfing for 5 hours, I can hardly walk. I need someone to carry to the shower for a wash. I think a sponge bath is in order, as I cant lift my arms. Any takers?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day Two

Who is this guy?

Words cannot describe the surf we shared in the afternoon of saturday. After looking at the waves from long distance they seemed pretty horrendous. And due the the chilly water, I was not keen. But it took the vision of Fulla to drag us back out for a final session, which turned out to be the first totally satisfying surf I have had all year. Tommy Ward took some shots which will be featuring soon.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day One

It always begins with a storm. Today saw the arrival of the official first decent swell to hit the coast. About fucking time. At over 4 meters with gale force onshores, the obvious thing to do was re-visit the ol' faithful, the mighty, Pylons. Fulla was the earliest bird, dragging myself and the body of a dead rat for the long run to the spot. Upon arrival, we discovered we were in for an alltime session. The rest is history.

The End of the Beginning

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Shenanigans in Noosa - The Jamie Fuller Show from ben krasevac on Vimeo.

This just proves how good you really are at modeling Jamie.

Lately, I have been down. Why is there no surf? Why is Mullaz slowly dying? What happened to my massive tan line, my blond hair and the pancakes we used to have after a satasfying early morning surf? What happened to happiness? Nowadays, even if there is a wave up for grabs, surfing seems to leave me feeling sad. Its hard to believe, but I cannot remeber the last time I felt completely at home after a surf at mullaloo. I've been doing much thinking about it, and come up with this. It wasn't the waves that made me so happy in my younger years, but the people I shared them with.

It's not the same without you.