Saturday, September 18, 2010

If the end came tomorrow, would you go out in fear and anger? Would you you make a stand, a desperate attempt to survive in the face of certain death? Or would you accept the fact that your time has ended in this world, and run to meet your fate knowing that you lived for every moment? Maybe you would perish alone, hiding under your bed. Maybe you would go out shouting your secrets from the rooftop. Or maybe, you meet your end in the arms of another, smiles on your bloodied faces, looking into each others eyes, as our eyes are brightest just before the lights inside them go out.

"It's the end of the world as we know it,
and I feel fine."

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bite My Neck

Bite My Neck... from ben krasevac on Vimeo.

Skaters are Luke Parish, Jamie Harrington, Liam Keaney, Connor Harrington, myself and others. Filmed in a couple of weekends spent at various spots around Perth.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Who said you need an SLR to take interesting shots?

Not fully concious, cant walk, cant breathe, cant think, cant eat, keep blacking out from time to time and my head feels like its gonna implode. Ive lost about half my body wieght in two days. Been asleep for around 24 hours strait and Im still tired. When I get better, things are gonna change.

Monday, August 16, 2010

La la la...

"One of those fucking awful black days when nothing is pleasing and everything that happens is an excuse for anger. An outlet for emotions stockpiled, an arsenal, an armour. These are the days when I hate the world, hate the rich, hate the happy, hate the complacent, the TV watchers, beer drinkers, the satisfied ones. Because I know I can be all of those little hateful things and then I hate myself for realising that. There's no preventative, directive or safe approach for living. We each know our own fate. We know from our youth how to be treated, how we'll be received, how we shall end. These things don't change. You can change your clothes, change your hairstyle, your friends, cities, continents but sooner or later your own self will always catch up. Always it waits in the wings. Ideas swirl but don't stick. They appear but then run off like rain on the windshield. One of those rainy day car rides my head implodes, the atmosphere in this car a mirror of my skull. Wet, damp, windows dripping and misted with cold. Walls of grey. Nothing good on the radio. Not a thought in my head."

Saturday, August 14, 2010

We Explore

Today I embarked on a quest to find new, uncrowded, surf spots to the north with a solid crew of friends. Our mission started with a surf at Derrs, which left alot to be desired as the waves were few and far between. Since my bike was giving me grief with the engine not starting, I jumped in with Kristian and Jamie in one of the many Hilux's in our convoy, which included Golly, Lachy, Shockers and Skat.

This guy came so close to rolling. His girlfriend in the passenger seat just about had a panic attack. This picture shows the Cruiser suspended on three wheels. We had to pull him back upright, which gave me enough time to take a snap or two.

Kristian almost made it...

In the end, it was a decent day, after twelve hours of committment and having discovered a possible reef break that may be worth revisiting on a different swell and tide. I learnt that you should always hold on when in a car being driven by Kristian and that sometimes reversing over a fence and getting caught on barbed wire and star pickets may not be such a good idea...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Out of Season

"Angus's Pool"

"The Pink Lady"

"The Big Blue" aka "Pipeline"

Pool Skating is in hibernation. As the wintertime brings the waves, it takes our pools. The rains come, and our treasures are lost for a time. Our memories reside at the bottom of a metre of muddy water. Its part of a great cycle, one that forever keeps us searching for new thrills, and keeps us coming back, summer after summer, for the phenomenon that is pool skating.


I'll resurect you one day Scarborough, one day.
But for now I'll have to make do with dreaming about the sessions forever engraved in my memory.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fall of the Portaloo

As you can see, I make a good subject for artists, even if the end result is a little abstract. Today myself and the usual crew enjoyed skaterboardering at Kinross. The evening improved when Kristian took his new 95 Hilux for a tear in a local building site, dismantling much of the newly leveled foundations and ramming a portable toilet until it started to tip over. I guess you could say we left a little surprise for the builders, such vandals we are. Nobody will be using that loo tomorrow, believe me. We know that society has failed us children, if we actually enjoy breaking shit for no real reason other than that of boredom.  

Monday, August 2, 2010

Coast to Coast

Coast to Coast from ben krasevac on Vimeo.

Finally. The little clip has been finnished. Shot on location at Tea Trees and Mullaz. Enjoy.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Found this photo the other day, shot in Tonga, 2005.  Its Its hard to believe, but I was the same age as the boy pictured when this photo was taken. It seems all those years have past in the blink of an eye.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Time for a Quickie...

It felt good to hit Derrs on Sunday, after my failed saturday night ruccus. After waking up hungover, Golly was kind enough to take myself and the Rat (pictured and also hungover) up for a fun little session. I went in early on account of my wettie being about as warm as Antarctica, and snapped some snaps.

Anyways, the moral of the story is that rats shred fun little rights, all day, everyday.

I love dogging people on here. Lachy doing a fair impression of Queen 'Liz.
Your next Janiece.

Monday, July 19, 2010


Today I woke up in the afternoon, feeling a little down. There was alot on my mind, too many thoughts to digest from the night before. I decided the best thing for it would be a solo mission to our old friend Scarborough, where I could find some sort of a goodbye session to the holidays that have all but passed.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Never Ending Story

A photo taken by my Mother of Bells Beach

Well the past few days have been a marathon of non-stop committment by me and Fulla. Tuesday saw 16 hours of surfing between us, with some very enticing waves to be found at Mullaz. Four hours of sleep later and we were smuggled into a car travelling north at great speed. Mr Bell had vallently offered to take us to Lancelin for the day. While the first look at the Back Beach was horrifying, we forced ourselves to paddle out anyway, and Belly forced his girlfriend to film us. Amazingly, we actually got a decent session. After a visit to the shop, and a perculier encounter between Fulla and one of the local girls, we headed home. Beers on the beach topped off a memorable day. 


The next day saw a repeat mission to Lancelin, but with a different crew and different waves. Large, inpredictable waves at Eddy Island were conquered before Fulla apparantly saw a shark and we all bolted in fear. Cheers for the ride Taylor.

Monday, July 12, 2010

International Pylons Day

Maxing out past the pylon...

My friends. Winter is among us. I havn't been feeling this way in a long time. After surfing for 5 hours, I can hardly walk. I need someone to carry to the shower for a wash. I think a sponge bath is in order, as I cant lift my arms. Any takers?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day Two

Who is this guy?

Words cannot describe the surf we shared in the afternoon of saturday. After looking at the waves from long distance they seemed pretty horrendous. And due the the chilly water, I was not keen. But it took the vision of Fulla to drag us back out for a final session, which turned out to be the first totally satisfying surf I have had all year. Tommy Ward took some shots which will be featuring soon.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Day One

It always begins with a storm. Today saw the arrival of the official first decent swell to hit the coast. About fucking time. At over 4 meters with gale force onshores, the obvious thing to do was re-visit the ol' faithful, the mighty, Pylons. Fulla was the earliest bird, dragging myself and the body of a dead rat for the long run to the spot. Upon arrival, we discovered we were in for an alltime session. The rest is history.

The End of the Beginning

Saturday, July 3, 2010


Shenanigans in Noosa - The Jamie Fuller Show from ben krasevac on Vimeo.

This just proves how good you really are at modeling Jamie.

Lately, I have been down. Why is there no surf? Why is Mullaz slowly dying? What happened to my massive tan line, my blond hair and the pancakes we used to have after a satasfying early morning surf? What happened to happiness? Nowadays, even if there is a wave up for grabs, surfing seems to leave me feeling sad. Its hard to believe, but I cannot remeber the last time I felt completely at home after a surf at mullaloo. I've been doing much thinking about it, and come up with this. It wasn't the waves that made me so happy in my younger years, but the people I shared them with.

It's not the same without you.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mud Pit Carnage

This photo says it all. The car to the right of screen is a new Ford Ranger, which five minutes ago, was worth around 50 grand. The owner rolled it doing dohnuts in probably the worst spot possible, bumpy as hell. He and the passenger were lucky to walk away from the roll with a limited amount of blood loss due to the proximity in which the top of the windscreen came to the drivers head. We had to pull them back upright using Cain's nifty new Jeep, before a tow truck was called and girlfriends were re-assured.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Sad Times

Sad Times... from ben krasevac on Vimeo.

The old faithful, Mullaloo Beach is nowhere near as good as it should be at this time of the year. What used to be the local favourite in past winter seasons, is now one massive close out. I'm not sure what the fuck is responsible for this "environmental disaster" but I'm guessing the lack of southerly lows that are meant to hit the coast at this time of year have done a runner.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

CUT and RUN...

CUT & RUN from CUT & RUN on Vimeo.

Omac and Sam's latest blockbuster.
Need I say more?

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Rest In Peace

Daisy. You were my life. You almost killed me. And I almost killed you. You produced the biggest drift I have ever witnessed. And I had my first ever car accident in you. You weren't always reliable, but you were a car nonetheless.


Shenanigans in Noosa - Mathew Burness Live from ben krasevac on Vimeo.

Well, Ladies and Gents. I give you the one and only. I give you Matto the Yeti. This is what happens when I leave my camera in the hands of a very funny guy.

Guess what I found Jeremy? Always check the back pockets.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Deep and Meaningful

Yes, I have fixed my washing line...


There is a problem with the world. Why is it that people do really stupid things? Why are kids so messed up? Why do we drink and do drugs? Are our lives really that boring that we have to mix things up by killing our brain cells? Is it just me or do things start getting shittier and shittier as we get older? I've had too many experiences of seeing people I've grown up with, boys in particular, get to a certain age and hit a dead end. They get hooked on various illegal substances, and start stealing shit to pay for their habit. And it always seems to happen to the intellectual, nice, interesting guys, not the boring, dumb, imbiciles that I couldn't care less about. I've been thinking about it. Drugs seem to attract the risk takers, the adventurous and the open minded ones. What ensues is the transformation of thousands of bright, fresh thinking boys that all had the potentail to be something special into mentally damaged, angry men, scarred for life. As much as we dream about what we would like to be in the future, our lives will never reach our expectations. For those boring bastards that have never imagined or hoped for a brighter future there is'nt a problem. But for a select few of us, drugs become a real threat, as a cure to the fact that we are not going to have the life we want. We will never reach our dreams, because our dreams are too good to be true. Emotional huh?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


The stories are true. Mullaz is back. Fulla showed us all how to surf in a session lasting the best part of 4 hours, collecting 10 barrels along the way. The crew scoring the goods consisted of myself, the toucan, Janiece and Elliot, and later Newan. Guys, its back. Beleive the hype.

NewanBro from Myspace!

Jamie Fuller may be known to some as a loving, caring, sweet young man. Believe me, he is anything but. Today Fulla decided to head back to mine early stating that "the waves are shit". But behind this excuse was a more sinister reason for his absence. You see, Fulla was in need of a bicycle, on account of his own treadly being destroyed by his sisters car. So upon arrival back from my surf, I realise my own bicycle is nowhere to be seen. Yep. The toucan had stolen my bike. Cheers buddy. Don't lie, I know you've had your eye on that Apollo for quite some time now. Fucking asshole.

But since you got this sick photo for me I'll forgive ya.

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Shenanigans in Nossa - Alexandria Bay from ben krasevac on Vimeo.

Well our stay in Noosa did produce some sweet waves, and we decided to head down to A-Bay for a surf on this particular morning. And yes, it is a nude beach. Although there is some nice shots of Fulla on his backhand and the big Yeti styling the floaters, it was not my day to shine, so hopefully I can get it together soon enough for some quality footage this winter. More installments of our adventure to come.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bulk Rubbish Gold

Back in Black

Typewriter from the late 70s

Yours Truly

Today was a day well spent. On account of the lack of swell, and a complete negligence to study for these salmon exams, I decided to take up Bronc's offer to help him lay some pavers (which he had aquired through the forces of bulk rubbish) around the side of the house. But instead of making a tidy profit for my troubles, I was left out of pocket 200 bucks after Bronc demanded I repay him for the damage bill on the house I racked up with my infamous party. So I went around to Thomson's joint to supervise the spraying of his mags and the numerous stingy pricks cruising around frothing over the amassing piles of bulk "rubbish" in the front yards of the street. The afternoon improved when we discovered a month old 6 pack in CT's tray and a typewriter from the Kennedy Era out side the Thomsons residence. 

Sunday, June 6, 2010


The Workplace

This is where dreams are lived...

A few snaps before and during work. In other news, Camo has been whipping up a magical clip featuring all the crazy shit that went down at the Pro Junior this weekend. I expect it will be quite the head turner when he's finnished. Stay tuned.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Surprise Surprise!

First oil change in years

Today was a day of surprises. I checked Mullaz, expecting to see some form of wave energy on the other side of the dunes, but it was poo. So, disheartened, I decided to pay old Omac a visit, and check out some of this legendary footage I keep hearing about. All I can say is, Omac did not disapoint. On the way home, I stopped off at good mate Chris Thomson's. And to my disbelief, he was actually giving his Hilux a service. All I can say is that car has had a hard life. Also to my surprise, my Mother has recently bought a 12 megapixel, pink, photo shooting machine. So here are some shots.